Friday, January 14, 2005

Liberal Bias, part 437

Kevin Drum (much on the liberal side of things, mind you), has no doubts about which side the press is on. He even has a -- plausible, to me -- theory about why it's so:

As I've said before, the mainstream media really is biased toward showing what they're familiar with, and what they're mostly familar with is their fellow college educated social liberals. Unfortunately, this is a two-edged sword: when it comes to the crackpot end of the spectrum, lefty crackpots get a lot of press and end up convincing a lot of people that liberals are nuts, but conservative crackpots are mostly considered weird loons confined to their weird little rural communities and are therefore ignored.

If conservative crackpots got half that press that folks who camp out in redwood trees got, ordinary Americans would probably be a lot more scared of them. It's time to put these guys front and center.

It is a peculiarity of incorrigible minoritarians to discover that, even when a powerful institution is their ally, that's just so unfair to them.