The Right Reaction

This was the picture to run, of all the coverage generated by the "Saddam in his skivvies" flap. I was on wire desk Friday, and every time the editor asked me for a piece of art to put on Page 1, I sent this across the desk at him. He refused to use it. But he ran every inch of the the long, long New York Times story about how when Muslims think of "America" nowadays they only think of Guantanamo.
Of course, it's a Shi'ite family (look at the poster in the upper left). But it seems to sum up a lot of what I hear from Iraq. "Another nail in the coffin of human rights" indeed.
Tim Blair picked this one out, too. The comments on his post are well worth reading.
Saddam looks good. He looks better than he did in his last years in power. I wonder if we're making the mistake of working a dissipated tyrant into mental and physical shape just in time for his performance on the witness stand, like with did with Göring at Nuremberg.