Wednesday, August 17, 2005

In the Newsroom

One editor's reaction to the news that the local anti-war rally for Cindy Sheehan drew about 300 people, instead of the few dozen first reported:

Yessss! Yessss! Yessss!

But there's a picture of the whole protest in the computer system. I can't count more than 150 people there. I don't know where they're getting 300. Looking at reports from across the country, I'm seeing very low numbers: 50 in Jackson, Miss., "close to 100" in Sarasota, Fla., about 150 in Concord, N.H., about 300 in Nashville, about 200 each in Cincinnati and Oklahoma City. Hard to believe our little burg turned out as many as Nashville.

Addendum: From another editor, "People who like the war should go there and fight it. Put their butts where their mouths are."

This is not in the course of discussion. This is laid down like law, never questioned or contradicted. This is the dominant culture here.
