Sunday, September 11, 2005

Newsroom, Sunday Night

Still giddy, giggly. This is the greatest thing ever. The quip of the day is the cussing-out Cheney got. I've heard that one a dozen times already in the first two hours. Still no talk about donations, relief, aid to refugees. Just as with the whole Iraq war, millions, tens of millions, of human lives may hang in the balance, but only one person truly exists -- George W. Bush. All, all, is measured by how it helps, or hurts, one man's political destiny.

America, these are the people who make your news for you, who put the world on your doorstep or into your TV set. They may be deliberately professional and passionately partisan at the same time. But don't believe those two qualities exist in hermetically sealed containers. Even the best-made diapers reek after a while.