Thursday, March 30, 2006

And Now for Something Completely Different

Hi, y'all. I've been thinking this blog needs some diversity. As devilishly fascinating as I am, nobody can eat the same meal every day and not get restless. Well, my wife's cat apparently can, but that's another story.

Some of my favorite blogs, like "American Future," have evolved from one-person shows to small group efforts. I really think that's the way to do this. It gives you more angles on things, and at the same time takes the pressure off one blogger to keep rolling that boulder up the hill every day.

I had no firm plan for this, but then I noticed one of the bloggers I used to read regularly was going on hiatus. Now, this is someone I've known IRL -- we used to work together in a newsroom during the Bush père administration -- and I knew she'd be feeling a withdrawal. So I offered her the chance to post things here, as the mood strikes her. I'm pleased to say she accepted the offer.

She'll introduce herself better than I could do, probably in a day or two, but I think you'll get a kick out of her.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to tempt my wife to post some of her fantastic recipes here. Stay tuned!