Saturday, April 15, 2006

"[E]ffect of being both heartfelt and vicious"

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind."
--Rudyard Kipling

The front door opens and in comes her 6-year-old son, Terry, home from school, who starts batting around a blue balloon at the other end of the living room, batting it closer to her, closer, closer. She searches through her iTunes library until she finds one of her favorite downloads -- not music, but a speech by a character named Howard Beale in the movie "Network." She presses "play" and turns up the volume. "I want you to get mad!" Beale shouts at one point. "I want you to get mad!" she shouts along, startling Terry. "What?" he says, backing away with his balloon.

I'd back away, too, as should those prominent Democratic politicians who have been sucking up to this part of the Hysterically Angry Left.

Maryscott O'Connor makes Alanis Morissette at her very angriest and most negative sound like Debby Boone. It's hard for me to imagine wanting to vote for anyone who would meet with the approval of O'Connor and her ilk; in fact, that might very well be a disqualifying factor in and of itself.

"If I can't rant, I don't want to be part of your revolution" is how she signs her comments, in the place other people might write "Sincerely."

My almost 6-year-old has more maturity than this, not to mention a better sense of perspective. O'Connor can yell into the mirror of her compadres all she wants, but ultimately all that frothing at the mouth doesn't amount to a cupful of hot spittle. The approach, attitude and malign intent displayed by her and others like her utterly drown out whatever good points they supposedly want to get across.

"Who you are is speaking so loudly that I can't hear what you're saying."
--Ralph Waldo Emerson