Thursday, December 06, 2007

New Media, Old Media


This “blogger” called Joe Curl, a veteran reporter and a well-respected journalist, a dishonest hack and accused him of dubiously fixing numbers in his story. This coming from a website with an obvious liberal agenda.

He questioned his character and Joe defended himself.

Funny how bloggers want to be seen as renegade journalists battling mainstream media from the edge, but when push comes to shove, the guy couldn’t handle a heated tete-a-tete and instead he tattled to the virtual world.

If you can’t stand the heat, it might be time to give back your rebel card.

But stop and think for a minute how you'd feel if journalists wrote, and published or broadcast in their various media, about bloggers the way we write about them in ours. Some of ours have bigger reach and more permanence than some of theirs, after all.