Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Council Winners

[posted by Callimachus]

Here are the Watchers Council winners for the week of Dec. 22.
First place within the council went to Directions on Iraq: A Blogging Colloquium (Updated) at The Glittering Eye; an example of the kind of thing blogs are uniquely suited to do well and too seldom do at all.

Votes also went to Ex-president and Jew Hater for Sale -- Jimmy Carter's Dirty Little Secret by Joshuapundit; Tenets for a Useful Military by Andrew Olmsted; So, Mr. President. What Will It Be? by The Sundries Shack; and What Moynihan and Kirkpatrick Saw by Soccer Dad.

First place outside the council went to The ROC by the superb and indispensable Fourth Rail.

Votes also went to One Muslim Voice on the Holocaust, Unheard by Cathy Young; Why They Deny the Holocaust at Latimes.com; The Uncertain World of 1946 and the Future We Created by Varifrank; and Evaluating Iraq Policy through Two Lenses at Democracy Arsenal.