Sunday, November 28, 2004

Top Demo Pol: Iraq Good News Under-Reported

The locally based 1185th Transportation Terminal Brigade of the Army Reserve shipped out this weekend, bound for Kuwait. They'll be there for at least a year, running port operations and loading and unloading equipment and supplies. Godspeed to them.

Pennsylvania's Democratic governor Ed Rendell came to town Saturday to send them off. Fast Eddie is the kind of Democrat who makes friends even in a GOP bastion like Lancaster County. But it's interesting to hear a Democrat of national stature talk like this:
To cheer the more than 110 soldiers and their family members, Rendell told the group that he hears a uniform message from reservists returning from the Gulf region.

“We’re making tremendous progress over there. Much of it you don’t see on TV because these aren’t the good photo ops,” he said.
Indeed. Don't you suppose a certain other Democratic politician who was in the news lately might have got a lot more votes on Nov. 2 if he hadn't been afraid to acknowledge things like that?