Thursday, August 04, 2005

Intelligent Design

Modern science is religion-blind; it doesn't denigrate faith, it simply takes no cognizance of faith. It sets out neither to prove nor to disprove theology. Scientists debate and argue but they don't appeal to God or claim he loves limestone more than clay. There is no one chemistry book for Catholics, another for Hindus, another for Jews.

[In modern times the German and Russian scientific communities temporarily seceded, and for a time there was "German science" and "Soviet science," but that was forced on them by a warping pressure of authoritarian politics and cults of national or ideological identity.]

The religion-blindness is real, if the science is real. It's not like scientists simply put God in the next room and do their work aware that He is only a few steps away, so that they always somehow try to sculpt their facts and results into something not inconsistent with His Scripture.

When I see atheist and agnostic and Shinto scientists embrace creationism or Intelligent Design, in any sort of numbers, and defend it as passionately and persistently as born-agains do, then I'll begin to take it seriously. When some biologist or paleontologist who has never even heard of the Bible reads an Intelligent Design text and says, "That fits the facts better than evolution by natural selection, and it explains them more coherently," then I'll pay attention.