Thursday, July 13, 2006

Fiddling Doesn't Mean Ignoring [Updating]

Note: I am adding some new links at the bottom of this post, under "More Links," again in no particular order and mostly without comment. I will be dividing them (so far) into two categories, news stories/analysis and any interesting things I find on blogs or think tank or government sites, etc. My list is not intended to be comprehensive, but rather to--for the most part--throw out articles with slightly different takes, information I have seen, from other countries, or from sources that might not have been highlighted elsewhere.

I will throw in links as I come across them (while going about normal life) and will
likely not indicate new updates every time. Sorry about that ... .

Original post starts:

A commenter on another thread asked about Israel and why it's chosen its current course of action, specifically in terms of Lebanon as opposed to elsewhere.

Believe me, I'm as interested in the Middle East's more-than-flirting with descent into open regional warfare as the next guy (girl). But events are piling up fast and furious against an already deeply complex backdrop, and that makes me less, rather than more, inclined to weigh in. Right now, I'm in consuming-and-digesting information mode, rather than holding-forth mode. Between actual work, I'm listening to various cable stations and combing the wires, and there's more than enough opinion and analysis (informed as well as dubious) out there without my two cents thrown in.

In addition to the standard sources, traditional news media and otherwise, here is just a small sampling of blogs into which I have dipped, in no particular order and without comment, that you may or may not regularly check. I'd follow any links, if you're serious, and make sure you scroll down and don't just stop at the latest posts. I simply don't have time to point you to the individual posts on the individual blogs that most interest me or ring most true (and, in the case of the specific poster who brought up the topic, that address his specific question). Also, please note that my linking, or what I've written in this paragraph, should notbe taken to mean that I agree with any particular analysis, point of view,or statements that you may read.

Lebanese Political Journal
The Lebanese Bloggers
From Beirut to the Beltway

And here are a few articles (there are so many!) to ponder (I'm not including any from obvious major media outlets, because they're, well, obvious):

Sign That Crisis Is Regional, Not Just Israel vs. Palestinians
Iran's trap for Israel
Jerusalem Post (Link's to main page, which updates regularly: pick your own place to start)
Arab bloggers dare to dissent (Read all the way through)
Middle East: Israel-Lebanon Conflict Threatens Entire Region
In Lebanon: Celebration and condemnation
Iran and the Recent Escalation on Israel’s Borders (Keep reading to get to compiled statements/timeline.)

Have any of you found interesting articles, analyses, news sources, or blog posts relating to the disintegrating situation? Feel free to share.

Update: I have a restored a critical skipped word (my linking does NOT signify agreement with point of view or analysis, etc.). Also, I want to note that I normally would have included Michael Totten's site, but he's currently working at a paid job of some sort (which is why Cal has been guest-blogging there).

Update II, Started 9:00 p.m.: More Links:

News Articles:

Crisis allows Israel to pursue strategic goals
Briefing: Israel's reasons for its armed retaliation
War on Iran Has Begun
Israeli crisis is a smoke screen for Iran's nuclear ambitions
Israel's history of wars in Lebanon

Other Stuff:

Kol Israel International
A feed of various news stories and updates from Israel; for example, here's brief in which the Israeli defense minister says that Lebanese troops, but not members of Hezbollah, will be permitted back on the Israeli/Lebanese border. Apparently, you can also listen to broadcasts from this site. Various languages available.

Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Poke around a bit. For example, if you look at the "rolling text" in the left, there's a pdf (to which I can't link, though I've downloaded it), titled "Syria as strategic support for Hamas."

U.S. vetoes draft UN Security Council resolution Go to home page and scroll for other Palestinian-centric items.
Rumor: Israel Tells Condi Rice to "Back Off"
Middle East Crisis: Backgrounder
Iran the key
Syria and Hizbullah on the Attack ( around.)

Arab readers comment and provide advice on Israeli Foreign Ministry website.
Syria News

The Angry Arab
Amarji - A Heretic's Blog (Note the background music.)