Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Is It Too Late for Another Debate?

Glenn Reynolds has some of the sharpest readers on the Web. One, by the name of Barbara Grogan, e-mailed him with four matters that Bush ought to explain, but evidently can't, and that his Internet supports have not yet sufficiently articulated to cover his failure to do so. Glenn basically blows her off and says he's not working for any one candidate. But I think her points were right on:

If the election is lost, the pro-war Blogosphere will deserve some blame. You have not been filling in the spaces left by the weak rhetorical style of President Bush. What are these spaces?

[1] the role of Iran as Middle East terrorist puppet master since 1979;

[2] the consequences of Kerry's pacifying of elites rather than pushing forward with new Middle East democracies;

[3] the enfranchisement of the European laissez-faire attitude toward terrorism as the approach least suited to combating it;

[4] the consequences of being liked in the world, rather than feared or respected.