Friday, October 15, 2004

Oh, Hillary

News flash: Bush intends to stifle creativity.

"For creative and artistic people, the last four years have been a challenge! If we don't get a new President, the next four years will be a burden that will fall upon so many Americans and particularly Americans who are free thinkers, who are creative, who want the freedom to be able to do what they see and feel in their hearts is their destiny and dream!"

Hillary Rodham Clinton

I don't know; it seems like a lot of political cartoonists have felt their creative juices pumping like a midnight rave in a Viagra warehouse the last four years. As well as a lot of performance artists. And street theater socialists. And Michael Moore is more creative than ever. People used to say Rush Limbaugh's worst nightmare was a world without Clinton in the White House. I'd say a lot of the creative set will miss Dubya more than they can say.

As for "freely thinking" that John Kerry hasn't got a clue how to hang with a hardball global scene, or how to stop praising anti-Americans and insulting allies, or how to put Vietnam behind him, that doesn't seem to be allowed.