Thursday, February 17, 2005

Mickey Mouse

An Internet friend from Germany sent me a CD of some popular music from over there. It's not bad. I haven't heard any pop in German since Katrina and the Waves. I even heard some German rap, which can be sort of scary in a Nuremberg Rally kind of way.

And of course the obligatory song railing against "Amerika." Poisoning the world's cultures along with its environment. Lying to everyone. Blah, blah. At once point the singer starts hissing about Mickey Mouse.

Memo to Euro-pop stars posing as the vanguards of civilization: Get over Mickey. When you folks want to crap on American popular culture (which certainly can stand a kick), find something else, will you? It's embarrassing, really. Spitting "Mickey Mouse" at us, like that's supposed to hurt. "Aaaah! They're mocking Mickey! Make it stop!"

Mickey Mouse hasn't been an important part of U.S. popular culture since the early 1960s. He had a brief blip of revival in the 1970s, on the 50th anniversary, but that was nostalgia. Disney cartoons are irrelevant.

While listening to this Mickey dissing, I had an '80s flashback. Once, while I was parked on the couch after loading up on shrooms and watching a marathon of bad third-season "Star Trek" reruns, I had an idea for the world's stupidest movie, where Kurt Russell or someone like him is a starfighter who crash-lands on a barren world along with one of the reptilian bad guys, who acts through a make-up job straight out of Sid and Marty Krofft, and the two form a bickering buddy team.

The lizard guy talks sincerely about his religion, and the human guy pretends that the human religion is worship of Mickey Mouse, and so when the reptile gets pissed at him he starts insulting Mickey Mouse, which makes Kurt Russell bust up laughing. Then the iguana gets pregnant.

Wait, that wasn't my dumb-ass pipe dream movie script idea. And it was Dennis Quaid, not Kurt Russell.

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