Friday, March 04, 2005


Subliminal, the Zionist rapper, first caught my eye in October, via articles like this one.

Now Judith reports that he's going to be performing in the U.S. As always, whenever he opens his mouth, something comes out that will make some people red-faced with fury and make some other people say, "I never thought of it that way," and make some people simply nod in agreement.

Subliminal, born Kobi Shimoni, is not afraid of political confrontation, and he stands by admittedly militant songs like "Biladi" (Arabic for "My Land"). "When we talk politics with Arabs in Israel, they say, 'My grandfather used to live in Tel Aviv, and now it's owned by Jewish people -- we want to come back,'" he says. "I respond, 'My parents came from Iran and Tunisia, but nobody is going to give our property back to us. It's all been confiscated . . . We have this little sandbox we call Israel. We give our hearts and lives to make it a proud country. Every one serves in the Israeli Defense Force in order for Israel to survive. You have half of the globe. What the fuck do you want from us? Go live in Saudi Arabia."