12 Years of Christmas
[posted by Callimachus]
Second photo: Dec. 25, 1961.

Man, did I love that riding horse. Which looks like a product liability lawyer's wet dream, now that I think about it: all tight steel springs and jutting edges anchored to a hard-as-granite body on an easily tippable frame.
Most presents still wrapped; a lot of "building blocks," probably from the influence of my grandfather, the tool engineer, and an unaccountable, and unremembered, toy on the floor that looks like giant blue testicles.
Second photo: Dec. 25, 1961.

Man, did I love that riding horse. Which looks like a product liability lawyer's wet dream, now that I think about it: all tight steel springs and jutting edges anchored to a hard-as-granite body on an easily tippable frame.
Most presents still wrapped; a lot of "building blocks," probably from the influence of my grandfather, the tool engineer, and an unaccountable, and unremembered, toy on the floor that looks like giant blue testicles.